The Magna Carta of Women (Republic Act No. 9710) defines Gender and Development Program (GAD) as the development perspective and process that is participatory and empowering, equitable, sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, supportive of self-determination and actualization of human potentials. It seeks to achieve gender equality as a fundamental value that should be reflected in development choices and contends that women are active agents of development, not just passive recipients of development.

GAD focuses on Gender Mainstreaming or a strategy for:

  • Making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies, programs and projects in all social, political, civil, and economic spheres so that women and men benefit equally.
  • Assessing the implications for women and men of any planned action, including legislation, policies or programs in all areas and at all levels


Executive Order No. 273 – Approving and Adopting the Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development (PPGD) 1995-2025

Executive Order (EO) 273, issued on September 9, 1995 and signed by President Fidel V. Ramos, adopted the Philippine Plan for Gender Responsive Development IPPGD) 1995-2025. The PPGD 1995-2025 is a 30 year perspective plan that outlines the policies, strategies, programs and projects that the government must adopt to enable women to participate in and benefit from national development while EO 273 directs all government agencies, departments, bureaus, offices and instrumentalities, including government owned and controlled corporations, at the national level, sub-national and local levels to:

  1. To take appropriate steps to ensure the full implementation of the policies/strategies and progrms/projects outlined in the Plan;

  2. To institutionalize Gender and Development (GAD) efforts in government by incorporaing GAD concens, as spelled out in the Plan, in their planning, programming and budgetting processes, but specifically to:
    1. Include/incorporate GAD concerns in the :
      1. formulation, assessment and updating of their annual agency plans;
      2. formulation, assessment and updating of their inputs to the medium/long-term develipment plans, and
      3. preparation of their inputs to sectoral performance assessment reports, public investment plans and other similar documents.
    2. Incorporate and reflect GAD concerns in their:
      1. agency performance commitments contracts indicating key result areas for GAD as well as in their annual performance report to the President, and
      2. annual Agency Budget Proposals and work and financial plans

Republic Act No. 8760 – General Appropriations Act (GAA) On Programs/Projects Related to Gender and Development (GAD)

Section 27:
“All concerned government entities shall submit their GAD plan to the National Commission on Women for review. They shall likewise submit annual reports to Congress, the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), National Commission on Women (NCW), indicating the accomplishments and amounts utilized to implement programs/projects/activities addressing gendere issues and women empowerment. The evaluaton of agencies utilization of the GAD budget shall be performance based.”

Republic Act No. 9710 – An Act Providing for the Magna Carta of Women

Section 36: Gender Mainstreaming as a Strategy for Implementing the Magna Carta of Women
“All government departments, including their attached agencies, offices, bureaus, state universities and colleges, government owned and controlled coporations, local government units and all other government instrumentalities shall adopt gender mainstreaming as a strategy to promote women’s human rights and eliminate gender discrimination in their systems, structures, policies, programs, processes and procedures.

Section 36-B: Creation and/or Strengthening of the GAD Focal Points (GFP)
“All concerned government agencies and instrumentalities mentioned above shall establish or strengthen their GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) or a similar GAD mechanism to catalyze and accelerate gender mainstreaming within the agency.”

In addition to Joint Circular 99-4 issued by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), the DBM and NCRFW, additional sets of guidelines, as deemed necessary, shall be formulated, for the implementation of GAD-related programs/projects/activities.






2024 Training-Workshop on Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (PIMME)
May 20-21, 2024
Training-Workshop on Gender Analysis 2024
April 17-18, 2024
Love Beyond Labels (Gender Fair Language Seminar)
February 14, 2024
2023 Gender Fair Language Seminar 2023
December 18, 2023
Training-Workshop on Formulation of PHILGUARANTEE Gender Mainstreaming Policy
November 07, 2023
Training Workshop on GAD PLAN and Budget 2024
October 09, 2023
Gender Sensitivity Training (GST) 2023
September 14-15,21-22,28-29; October 12-13, 2023
Strategic Framework and Planning Workshop 2023
September 19-20, 2023
Men of PHILGUARANTEE: Kaisa sa Pagkakaiba
July 14, 2023
GIRL POWER : Women Leadership Training
July 07, 2023
Training Workshop on Gender Analysis
March 22-24, 2023
Usapang Lalaki: Men Empowering Women
February 28, 2023


February 16, 2024
DOF 1st GFPS Sectoral Assembly 2023
February 15, 2023


2024 Seminar on Celebration of Pride Month : ” SOGIESC and Intimate Relationships”
June 24, 2024
Celebration of Father’s Day 2024
June 19, 2024
Seminar on GAD Legal Mandates
May 30, 2024
Celebration of Mother’s Day 2024
May 13, 2024
Talk on Financial Wellness by UCPB Savings Bank
May 13, 2024
Mental Health Wellness
March 27, 2024
Eight Weeks to Wellness
March 26, 2024
Talk on Personal Financial Wellness and Protection
March 12, 2024
Corporate Services Group Report
February 22, 2024
Presentation of GAD Agenda 2024
February 15, 2024
Plan and Budget 2024
October 09, 2023
2023 Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines II
September 13-15, 2023
GAD Executive Briefing
August 04, 2023
GAD Orientation
June 25-July 13, 2023
Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines I
May 17-19, 2023
GAD Secretariat Meeting
February 16, 2023
2022 G4G: Greening for Gender Equality
November 18, 2022
GAD GPB 2023 Seminar-Workshop
November 10-11, 15, 2022
#Purple Tuesdays
March 2022